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With John Bloom


Thursday, May 12th

6:15pm - 7:30pm 

San Francisco Waldorf School


Based primarily on Rudolf Steiner’s Economics Lectures [published as Rethinking Economics], along with the work of E.F. Schumacher [Small is Beautiful] and Jane Jacobs [The Nature of Economies], we will explore the nature of economic thinking, practical and new economic approaches, and a deeper understanding of capital and money.


The purpose of this introduction will be to demystify economics, understand it in relation to the earth and its ecology as a closed system, and then to situate ourselves as economic citizens. We will look at the three basic elements of economics—natural resources, labor, capital—as the source of different kinds of value. And further, we will look at the nature of capital and how it is different than money, though we often confuse the two. If we have time, we will then explore the nature of money itself as an expression in circulation and how it can more effectively support the interdependent multiple dimensions of social life.


There will be plenty of time for Q & A, as well as time for reflection. We will also assess whether there is interest in another or longer session. 

An Introduction to Economic Thinking


    No one turned away for lack of funds. If you wish to participate and need financial assistance, please contact us directly at

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